
Random XXIII: Through the Years or Something Shorter

In one of my bibles, I found a sheet of paper from 1/17/01 from a work Bible study. I remember I sold my beloved 95 Civil to the leader in 2004. This particular study was Genesis 1:1 and only the first three words. I remember those days of working with people I knew loved Jesus.

On the back I had written notes from various points where I had nothing else to write on. I have notes from mentoring to why? to Don’t miss Christ or maybe it’s all from the same day. No way to tell without studying it in great detail.

I also have a sheet from 9/24 and 10/22 of some year. Looks like those are about Moses leading the Exodus. Another from 9/24 on something else. The thing I remember about the plagues was that each represented a false deity that Egypt followed and created over some aspect of the earth, and God that wanted to vanquish before the Jews left. This lesson was not on that but looks like a summary of the reaction to each plague by Pharoah.

Any finally, I found a timeline of Jared, Enoch, Methuselah, Lamech, and Noah where I was trying to find if anyone of them (besides Noah) lived until the flood. It looks like Methuselah lived up to the flood, but my guess is the rains did not start until after he died.

One phrase I saw among these was that ‘feelings were made to be felt’. We should investigate them and try to find out what God is teaching us. I agree that God made each of us just the way he wanted. I do not understand myself, but I have learned a few things my simple mind can act upon. I do not like onions, I do like knowing God is right, and I can be more than I am.

Not sure I have a great way to tie all this randomness together, but these sheets are like our lives. Things happen that we have no control over and each point in time is merely a snapshot that does not define the whole, only allows for study of the point in time. I probably still have the notes from every lesson I ever gave, but I know that I am unlikely to go back to them again. I am a different person than when I did those lessons and my level of knowledge and understand has changed to the point that I doubt the notes would be of use even if studying the same single verse. Time stands still for only God, the rest of us need to keep charging forward to make more of today and tomorrow because we surely cannot change yesterday. Live a long life in increments of your choosing. No one else will chose for you.

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