
Study of Job 12:24 – Wander

Job 12:24

He deprives the earthly leaders of reason,

   Causes them to wander the pathless waste.


Fierce anger dominates my mind today after reading Jeremiah 25. God does not like it when people sin, and it impacts Him emotionally. He just has more patience than we humans. This verse in Job is one of the few I took an extra page in my notebook to compare the myriad of options presented as alternatives for its translation. The meaning seemed firm, but the words to get there were all over the place, sort of aligning with the meaning of the verse itself.


‘Deprives’ was also ‘strips’, ‘takes away’, ‘stuns’, ‘removes’, or part of ‘deranges’. ‘Reason’ was also ‘understanding’, ‘heart’, ‘judgement’, ‘minds’, and part of ‘deranges’. ‘Earthly’ was also ‘peoples’ or a combination of the two.

‘Causes’ was also ‘makes’, ‘sends’, or ‘leads’. ‘Wander’ was ‘off course’ or ‘astray’. ‘Pathless’ was also ‘trackless’, ‘where there is now way’ or ‘primordial’. ‘Waste’ was also ‘wilderness’ or ‘void’.


To some degree this explains the behaviors of politicians. They certainly seemed acceptable people when elected, but most seem without reason and following the unblazed trail to oblivion by the time they get off the ride. As it currently looks like a rematch of Trump and Biden, we should all be praying fervently for someone to appear as a more godly alternative.

After a ten-hour delay, I am back. I must admit I was very pleasant with the IT person who helped me with a computer issue today. He did not treat me like I was stupid, so that may have produced the positive outcome. Or maybe the bar had been set so low based on how others treat me that when he just treated me as normal, I returned it. I ended up with a new IT issue to tackle tomorrow, but today was nice.

While I have been typing the blogs since early 2017, I have noticed a few patterns in the “help” the program gives me while typing. 1) I can’t spell well. 2) I can’t type well. 3) I can’t talk to type well. 4)  Many of the phrases that I like to use are not popular with the “help”, and much of the “help” is not popular with me. If this is how AI works, it may not be for me.

My “Christian” upbringing has taught me to use reason, to not wander aimlessly, to be nice to others, and to do right even if it is not popular. We had to tell a client that his platform would not stand up if a 1000-year event came along. He was not happy to hear it but pleased that we had brought the issue to his attention as soon as we knew it. Whether a 1000-year event is the correct limit will impact this project as well as another one that I am working on, but compared to eternity the 1000-year period or my life is nothing, and my behaviors need to match the eternal perspective of my Lord, and not the quarterly limits of business, or the election cycle periods of our leaders.

Written 1/31/24, Posted 2/17/24 Job 281

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