
Study of Job 14:14 – Enduring

Job 14:14

If mortals die, shall they live again?

   All my term, would I wait,

      Until my release shall come.


The grey cat is howling all the time. Or is it gray? Apparently, he has learned that by howling, he can get us to do something. It’s not often the thing he wants, but he now knows we will respond to it. It’s really not great in the middle of the night.

The main variance in the first stitch was in ‘shall’, ‘will’, or ‘can’. I went with mortal because it’s in the definition.

‘Term’ was mainly ‘hard service’ or along those lines. I find it hard to wait while serving, that would be more enduring.

This last stitch had all the variation one could ask for. Other than ‘shall’ or ‘should’ I followed the first source as amazing as that seems to me as they never get anything right. The oddest was ‘until I sprout again’; the worst, ‘until my replacement comes’. Others were ‘my change comes’, ‘my renewal comes’ and ‘my vanishing comes’.

For whatever reason, my mind drifts to the Miami football star who was pulled over for allegedly going 60 in a 40 and he was pulled out of his car for rolling up his window. It seems the police overreacted and will suffer for it. The star is now more famous and will only have to pay about $300 for his higher resulting profile. In the video, I was impressed by the patience he exhibited while being subjected to less than best treatment.

I had a colleague email me on the 6th. It went to spam because of some weirdness to their IT subscription. He sent another later, and same thing. I missed them and sent one to him yesterday. Someone from his company replied and it went to spam again, only this time the client responded and I got that one. So now after being in a hurry to hear from me, crickets ever since I said I was available anytime. How much patience do I practice before reaching out again?

In these two pieces within the verse, I see job confirming that only God can bring people back from the dead and that his normal response would be to just have patience. He obviously has gone beyond his patience in begging for death or an audience with God. But the fact is that every person will die a natural and final death except for the intervention of God. That death is not a release as its end is nothing and therefore only tragic. Accepting that only the eternal life from God is of value helps us to endure any hardship on earth. But being patient sure can be trying.

Written 9/11/24, Posted 10/26/2024, Job 331

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