For the curious, I have five blog groupings working. Most this year have been the rules, today is part of Peter, (the two of which I will finish posting over the next week or so), one on Job, one on a book Mastering Life, and a totally random one. The totally random ones get written and posted randomly. The one on the book will be in sequence after these two wrap up and the one from Job will be thrown in with the ones from the book again in sequence, but over a longer stretch. My sister asked me a question from yesterday that was a good question and I answered her directly, but it gave me the idea to ask for questions. I may use them for future random pieces. On to Peter #8:
I finally determined to complete my 10-part series on Peter from the Bible study I did with my accountability group. Now that I start, I realize its been over a year since the last one. A ton of things have happened in my life and in the world over those sixteen months, but God has not changed and maybe the same topics are still relevant.
Acts 1:12-26
Acts 2:14-41
- Any idea why they thought they needed 12?
The particular book I am reading from today references Psalm 109:8 as the starting point for this need to replace Judas. So, having learned about scripture from Christ Himself, the eleven knew they needed to be obedient and add another, but any idea why God wanted a twelfth added? I think part of it is the natural set up for one leader among ten. The number of believers was 120 and therefore, the natural thing to do was add a leader to be in groups of 10. The “natural” in this is that I think God created us to work well in teams of 10 and that larger teams become less personal and therefore less effective. I think God makes each one of us with certain characteristics and I propose one in ten is a good leader.
- Especially since they had Jesus plus 12, but now only had 11
I do not really get it, but Israel had twelve sons and somehow the 12 Apostles with Jesus and the subsequent 12 leaders of the church are intended to follow the concept of the 12 tribes. I am sure there is literature abounding on the possibilities, but I personally have never gotten too deep into this concept.
- Does the world believe in the power of the Holy Spirit?
In this application, the world is intended to be those who do not believe in Christ. So, I do not think those who do not believe in Christ believe in the Holy Spirit, much less the power of the Holy Spirit. I think any worldly view of the power of the Holy Spirit would be indistinguishable from magic or random chance.
- Do Christians?
So here is the funny thing, of course Christians believe in the power of the Holy Spirit. The question is do Christians actually act out their lives with faith in the power of the Holy Spirit. I am confident many, if not most Christians, never do a single thing that actually requires reliance on the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit.
- Do you?
So obviously this question follows with the, “Do you personally live your life dependent upon the power of the Holy Spirit?” A book I just finished discussed the perception that some people seem to do more work tan is humanly possible. The point of the discussion was a strong Christian who worked as if the Holy Spirit were always working right alongside him and enabled him to do more than he ever could on his own. I do not often do this, but it is a goal.
- From 120 cowering in a room to over 3,120 in one speech. Clearly Divinity in action.
Apparently, if I had questions for this second passage, they are long gone. The increase of the church from 120 to 3,120 after one short speech is just beyond miraculous. Reading Peter’s words is a powerful reminder of the simplicity of Christianity and the opportunity afforded each of us. Every time I read this passage I wonder at the complications and obfuscation used by Satan to hide the truth from the world. Peter’s speech was clearly the working of the power of the Holy Spirit who had just set up residence in Peter.
Not sure how it works, but it seems if we could put ourselves in teams of ten, we could do the work of twenty with the Holy Spirit helping us all.