Job 8:20
Surely, God will not despise the blameless,
Nor champion evil doers.
(Written 5/27, Posted 6/6)
This sounds like one of those made-up truths that sound reasonable, yet they get applied in all the wrong ways. I read about someone yesterday who said a killer who targets kids at a school does not necessarily have a mental problem. I find that very hard to believe. Maybe they got lost in the definition of mental problem or just do not like assigning personal responsibility or maybe they believe being evil is not a mental problem.
“Blameless”(7) was also “innocent”. “Despise” was also “spurn”(2), “castaway”(2), and “reject”(3). Not of these really impacted meaning so I picked what seemed fitting.
“Evil doers”(7) was also “bad man”. “Champion” was my creation from “take”(2) the hand of, “strengthen”, “uphold”(2), “help”, support””, and “hold”. I do not know where champion came from, but it just felt right.
I want our kids safe at school. I want child predators punished. I do not want criminals or the irresponsible to have guns. I want to be able to buy a gun if I want to. There is common ground somewhere in this, but as long as we allow politicians and lobbyist to make decisions for us, we will continue to not get what we want.
God has a two-prong plan. After death, you will either spend eternity in heaven with Him or you won’t. Before death, live is hard in order to point us to our need for Him. As much as a system to keep the bad people from having guns and allow the responsible to have them would be great, any system created by man is flawed. God will let the blameless suffer. God will let the evil doers get the upper hand. If it was easy anyone could have paid the price. It took perfection. Thanks God for Christ’s perfection.