
Rely Upon God – Study of Job 9:19

Job 9:19

If it be a matter of power, He is Almighty,

   But if of justice, who can summon God?


We saw a fabulous sunset traveling on Friday. We caught a glimpse of it, and I prayed that we would crest a hill where we could really see it before it was over. God answered that prayer, and it was fabulous.

“Power”(2) was also “strength”(6) and “matter”(3) was also “contest”(1), “trial”(1) or simply power or strength. Contest, trial or nothing each seemed to be too specific or generic. Power has more meaning than just strength. I inserted “Almighty” on my own over phrases such as “the strong one” or the weaker “strong”.

Matter was used in the second stitch twice, and trial once, but most left this noun out which felt best. “Justice” was also “judgement”. The oddity was the mainstream Jewish source who used “trial of strength” in the first stitch and “trial in court” in the second. I prefer the clarity of this option, but I feel the intent is kept by the concluding phrase and the broadest of meanings is maintained without this option.

“Summon” was also “arraign”, but I felt arraign’ s shade of accuse was too much to ask. The set a time from the King James was too specific as well. “Who can” was also “who will”, but I felt the ability was more important to declare than the possible willingness.

My daily devotional reading today discussed the not smallness of God. When we try to make God smaller than He is, we end up missing the mark. God is greater than we can imagine, and He is more powerful and more just than we could ever be. Job wants to get an answer from God, and he is struggling with his inability to demand an answer. One of the missing aspects from the liberal movements attempts to destroy our country is that the Golden rule of “He who makes the gold, makes the rules.” is always trumped by the rule that “Whoever has the power takes the gold.” Once the court system is not valued, it cannot settle a dispute with parties who chose to institute their own power in its place.

History is full of rulers being overthrown by the ruled. We hope that does not happen in our country. But we know it will not happen with God. We can rely on the government only so far, but we can rely upon God to the point of death and even beyond.


(Written 8/29, Posted 9/2, Job 191)


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